About 80% of India's population receives healthcare from medicinal plants, making them extremely important. They have been used by tribes and local people for curing various diseases since the majority of disorders in today's culture are lifestyle-related. Recently, greater prominence is being laid to phyto-therapy throughout world. This study emphasises the value of therapeutic plants in the different areas of Gariyaband district of Chhattisgarh used for treating life style diseases such as asthma, diabetes, hypertension and arthritis.
The research work on therapeutic plants was carried out in the years 2017 – 2018. A total of twenty-five species of plants from 17 families and 25 genera have been documented for various medicinal applications. Plant identification was done with conventional monographs and vegetation. Among 25 plant families, Fabaceae and Apocyanaceae has been obtained as dominant family and maximum 13 plant species were obtained for treating asthma disease comparatively to diabetes, arthritis and hypertension. The plants were used for medicine has enumerated alphabetically and the local name, family names, plant part used and curing diseases has documented to treat life style diseases like asthma, diabetes, hypertension and arthritis.
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