Omkumari Sahu1, Bharti Sahu2, Andrea Kolla*3
1, 2,
1Department of Botany, Seth Phool Chand Agrawal Smriti College, Navapara, Rajim, Chhattisgarh
2Department of Biotechnology, Seth Phool Chand Agrawal Smriti College, Navapara, Rajim, Chhattisgarh
3Department of Biotechnology, Seth Phool Chand Agrawal Smriti College, Navapara, Rajim, Chhattisgarh
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Published In:
Volume - 2,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2020
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Gariyaband districtis in the state of Chhattisgarh in India with a population of 111,614.The famous Udanti wildlife sanctuary is also located in Gariyaband district. A total area of 1547.93 sq km in Gariyaband is covered with dense forest .The type of forest found in this area is tropical deciduous. Medicinal plants in India have been known for their essential role in the development of the Indian culture and tradition, for example they have been used in religious ceremonies which are part of our traditional Indian culture. Plants in themselves are natural industries as they provide good quality food, raw materials for pharmaceuticals, perfumeries and cosmetics industries without causing damage to the environmental. The main aim of the present study is to understand the diversity of medicinal plants in this district. An attempt has been made to study the medicinal plants commonly used in Gariyaband district for the treatment of different diseases. A plant diversity was analyzed during October-December after studying the vegetation of Gariyaband district. The botanical name, family, habit and uses were listed. The total number of medicinal plant species identified was 51 that belonged to10 different families.
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Omkumari Sahu, Bharti Sahu, Andrea Kolla (2020) Medicinal Plant Diversity in Gariyaband District of Chhattisgarh. NewBioWorld A Journal of Alumni Association of Biotechnology, 2(2):13-17.DOI:
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