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Author(s): Shriram Kunjam1, Krishna Sidar2

Email(s): 1shriramkunjam07@gmail.com


    Department of Botany, Govt. V.Y.T.PG Autonomous College, Durg (C.G.) 491 001, India.

Published In:   Volume - 1,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2019

DOI: 10.52228/NBW-JAAB.2019-1-2-3  

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The present study aims to identifying seed borne fungi associated with different legumes plants. The seeds of Macrotyloma uniflorum, Vigna radiata, Vigna mungo, Vigna unguiculata, Arachis hypogea, Phaseolus vulgaris, Cicer arietinum, and Glycine max were collected from local market of Hudco, Bhilai. Treated and untreated seeds were used for the screening of seed borne fungi using agar plate method. The untreated seeds were found to be associated with highest number of fungi, while treated seed shows least number of fungi. The fungi isolated from these seeds were Aspergillus niger, A. flavus, A. fumigatus, A. nidulans, Alternaria alternata, Rhizopus sp.1, Rhizopus sp.2, Penicillium sp., Mucor sp., Fusarim sp., Macrophomina sp. and Curvularia sp.

Cite this article:
Shriram Kunjam and Krishna Sidar (2019) Isolation and Identification of Seed Borne Fungi from different Leguminous Seeds. NewBioWorld A Journal of Alumni Association of Biotechnology,1(2):13-15.DOI: https://doi.org/10.52228/NBW-JAAB.2019-1-2-3


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