NewBioWorld A
Journal of Alumni Association of Biotechnology (2021) 3(1):8-10
and Safety aspects of Amrita (Tinospora
Arpita Srivastava,
Arunima Sur* and Kush Kumar Nayak
Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity
University Chhattisgarh, Raipur (C.G.)
Article history:
Received in revised form
For beneficial value medicinal plants have been widely
used for humankind. Nature is a source of curative resources for so many
years as well as a surprizing total of recent drugs have been isolated from
it. Outmoded drug is the utmost realistic as well as effortlessly convenient basis
of treatment in the foremost healthcare body. Tinospora cordifolia is
a broadly used shrub in traditional as well as Ayurvedic systems of
medication throughout India. The plant consists numerous medicinal properties
such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer activity etc. Tinospora
cordifolia is a multipurpose reserve for all forms of life. The present
review aims to throw light regarding the bioactive compounds and therapeutic
facets of the Tinospora cordifolia.
cordifolia, antioxidant, antimicrobial,
bioactive compounds.
Since primeval period, the mankind has been contingent on
the Mother Nature as well as the products for the provisions and the comfort in
the life of people has been festooned by means of the prevailing existence of
therapeutic plants. All the yields that are provided by the nature, the herbs
of nourishing and beneficial properties are the trinkets furthermore apparent
purpose, these medicinal plants are the depended source and is lengthily used.
Medicinal plants comprises curative and beneficial properties consisting
biologically vigorous components called as secondary metabolites which are
found assimilated in the different plant parts like flowers, leaves, barks and
seeds are found in form of exopolysaccharides, resins and gums (Kumar
et al. 2017; Gurib–Fakim, 2006). India along with its
mega-biodiversity and rich primordial old-style systems of medication viz
Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Amchi. Local wellbeing customs afford a strong base
for the consumption many plants in shared healthcare and facilitation of common
disorders of the individuals (Pandey et al. 2008). Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia
demarcates medicines of herbal, mineral, metal also of animal source. Facts
about these drugs can be drawn through conventional scripts of Ayurveda, well-known
as Samhita (treaties), chikitsa grantha (compendia), Rasa grantha
(pharmacopoeia), Nighantu (lexicons) and samgraha grantha, etc.
Certain medicines are extremely admired for their extraordinary therapeutic
values, array of versatile activities, easy obtainability and preparative
procedures (Indian Biodiversity, 2020). Tinospora cordifolia is a
well renowned therapeutic plant whose eminence in Ayurveda as well as natural
remedy is of the uppermost order. Tinospora cordifolia is well known “Guduchi”
in Sanskrit and “Amruthaballi” in Kannada. It’s an authoritative drug of the
Indian Medicine preprations. It is an honoured herb whose usages with
mention to welfares of mankind have been applauded to tremendous level in
numerous ayurvedic and Vedic scriptures as well as practices (Jamal et al. 2007). In ayurvedic the climber herb Tinospora cordifolia,
has numerous appreciated healing properties and is generally used in ayurvedic
and local forms of medicine. The phytochemicals have been tested and is
scientifically validated to some extent (Gaur et al. 2014).
The current review targets to document
the therapeutic properties of Tinospora cordifolia in addition with its
probable projections regarding the advance scientific investigation for the
improvement and development of effectual valuable compounds.
classification (Gaur et al. 2014)
Kingdom: Plantae.
Class: Magnoliopsida.
Order: Ranunculales.
Family: Menispermaceae.
Genus: Tinospora
Species: T. cordifolia.
Botanical description
cordifolia belonging to the Menispermaceae
family is a deciduous plant comprising approximately 3–4 feet in stature as
well consists around 1 feet in breadth. The
leaves of are simple, dark bright green in colour and is heart shaped. It is
substitute, entire having lamina broadly ovate which is 10-12 cm long and 8-15
cm wide showing multicoated reticulate venation (Sharma and Kumar, 2013; Khosa and Prasad, 1971).
The stem is gray or creamy white in colour, extremely cleft spirally and
longitudinally, having the space amid spotted comprising huge rosette-like
lenticels. Unisexual flowers, its small size and greenish yellow on auxiliary
and terminal racemes are its character features. Fruits of T. cordifolia are orange–red in color,
which comprising of 1-3 ovoid, even, and thick stalk precipitations with sub
terminal style scars (Bharath Raj et al. 2020).
herb is spread entirely in the sultry region of India up to 1,200 m overhead sea level
from Kumaon to Assam, in north outspreading through West Bengal, Bihar, Deccan,
Konkan, Karnataka and Kerala (Aiyer and Kolammal, 1963).
and ayurvedic aspects
Tinospora cordifolia
is recognized as Guduchi or Amrita which realities to the atmosphere of this
plant in the stimulating as well as the retainment of adolescence and life
duration of the user. As per Ayurvedic text such as; Ashtang
Hridaya, Charak, Sushrut, Bhava Prakash and Dhanvantri Nighantu, T.
cordifolia khowm as: Amritvalli, Vatsadani, Chinmarrhuha, Amara, and Chinnodebha
etc. In context of Charak Samhita and Ashtang Hridaya, there is also an extreme
validation for the treatment of diverse conditions like Jvara (fever) Kamala
(jaundice) and Vat. In Rakta (gout) and Sushurta Samhita, under the
Tikta-SakaVarga, it is conventionally claimed for the remedy of numerous
maladies like Svasa (asthma), kustha (leprosy) and Maha Jvara (fever) (Vagbhata
et al. 2002). In Dhanvantri Nighantu has been portrayed for curing
bleeding piles, itching, and erysipelas also encouraging durability. Guduchi
has been dignified by European practitioners as a principal foundation of various
medicines. Tinospora
cordifolia is a foremost
component of formulations in Ayurveda literatures which is utilized for the
action of disorders urinary related diseases, debility and fever. Certain
significant formulations which have been prepared from T. cordifolia are:
Sanjivani vati, Guduchi taila Guduchyadi churna, Kanta-Kari avaleha
Chyavnaprasha, Guduchi satva, Guduchu ghrita, Amrita guggulu, amritashtaka
churna Brihat guduchi taila, etc (Aiyer
et al. 1963; Khosa et al. 1971)
The diverse classes of constituents present in this plant are
categorized in groups such as alkaloids, steroids, terpenoids, polysaccharides,
glycosides along with diverse perfumed and aliphatic compounds which happen in
their photoactive form accountable for the wide diversity of corrective and
therapeutic properties. The foremost component of T. cordifolia is berberine, furanolactone, tinosporone, tinosporic
acid, giloin, gilenin, cordifolisides A to E, arabinogalactan polysaccharide,
bergenin, gilosterol, tinosporol, picrotene, tinosporidine, sitosterol, cordifol,
heptacosanol (Oliveira et al. 2012; Wang et al. 2010;
Thippeswamy et al. 2008)
Medicinal properties
Antioxidant activity
S. et al., evaluated the antioxidant
probable of various extract of Tinospora
cordifolia. Significant activities were shown by ethyl acetate extract of
stem and the methanolic extract of leaf part. It was discovered by DPPH that
stem extract possessed less antioxidant activity as compared to leaf extract.
Substantial protection was also provided by the leaf and stem extract towards
plasmid DNA impairment radical induced protein oxidation. Antioxidant
protective property is chiefly due to the occurrence of the phytocomponents
such as polyphenols and tannins (Chi et al. 2016). Sivakumar et al., studied the results that the
erythrocytes membrane lipid peroxide and catalase activity was well managed by
methanol extracts of stem of Tinospora cordifolia
which were orally augmented as well as reduced the activities of superoxide
dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase in induced diabetic rats (Sivakumar
and Rajan 2010).
cordifolia stem part is effusively consumed to cure diabetes by
observing blood glucose. Its anti-diabetic prospective has been specified by
means of the relieving of oxidative stress, limiting gluconeogenesis,
augmenting the insulin emancipation, as well as the monitoring of blood glucose
(Mutalik et al. 2011). The
crude extract of stem extracted from the solvents like ethyl acetate,
dichloromethane, constrains the enzymes like amylase and glucosidase, resulting
intensification in post-prandial glucose level as well as shows possible
actions opposing to Diabetes mellitus disease (Chougale et al.
extracts of Tinospora cordifolia
extracts has been estimated for antibacterial activity against the
Gram-positive pathogens including Escherichia
coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter aerogene, Serratia marcesenses, Klebsiella
pneumoniae, Shigella flexneri,
Salmonella paratyphi, Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella typhi, (Narayanan
et al. 2010). The study discovered that aqueous, ethanolic and acetone extract
of stem and leaves of guduchi possessed
significant effects contrary to urinary pathogens while aqueous extract of stem
and leaf exhibited poor inhibitory activity against all pathogens (Shanthi et al. 2013).
extraction of alkaloid palmatine from Tinospora cordifolia discovered
noteworthy anticancer potential by resources of response surface methodology
in 7, 12-dimethylbenz anthracene DMBA induced skin cancer model in mice (Dixit
S. 2013).
cordifolia is also accredited for its immunomodulatory response. Vital
components like 11-hydroxymustakone, Nformylannonain,
cordifolioside A, magnoflorine, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, tinocordiside and
syringin has been stated to possess potential immunomodulatory as well as
cytotoxic effects (Sharma et al. 2012). Ahera and Wahib (2012) estimated the
immunomodulatory activity of ethanolic extract of Tinospora cordifolia.
Conclusion and future prospects
The literature study discloses that T.
cordifolia has been
extensively exposed in the vastness of biological activity of diverse extracts,
portions as well as compounds with the quantification of some bioactive
compounds. The feasible mechanisms of action in in vitro and in vivo models have also been revealed,
preparations, in addition to constituents along with therapeutic and
toxicological studies. The numerous isolated bioactive compounds of T.
cordifolia support its
utilization as an ingredient in herbal medications as well as preparations. The
compounds comprise antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and
immunomodulatory activity which can be substantially applied as valuable agents
against such disorders either independently or in consolidation. The plentiful
nature of T. cordifolia in subtropical Asian countries marks it a
commercially low rate and effectual complementary herbal drug. The plant consists of secure and persuasive remedial value as a
strength augmentation as well as a stock house for imminent growth of medicine
in severe ailments where current medications comprise deficient therapeutic
potential. The herb Tinospora cordifolia is worth for further assessment
at molecular level which will be profitable for human kind.
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